Sunday, May 27, 2012

Life in High Definition

daily haiku

roses bloom in may 
ahead of nature's schedule
take time to smell them
One of the things that I enjoy that amazes me all the time is my high definition TV. The picture is so sharp and the colors are glorious. This time of year nature goes into high def too!

With the drought this year we missed some of the blazing colors of flowers, but there's still plenty to enjoy if you look around the hill.
The flax seed I scattered years ago still sends a few baby-blue-eyes to greet me  - so delicate and lovely.  My Harrison's Yellow Rose, that was brought west by the pioneers in their wagons, goes crazy for a few days, and the wild pink rose after which our county is named, blossoms with an aroma that sends me to heaven.  

The bird life is colorful too; the golden-bib of the meadowlark, the green back of the tree swallows, the brilliance of bluebirds nesting under the eave by my desk, rooster pheasant in his wedding suit, and one of the sights I love the most - goldfinches taking a bath in new puddles after a storm comes through.

For sure I love my TV, but there's really no better program than mother nature!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sleepin' With The Bees

daily haiku

flight path for the bees
directly over my head
I am buzzed for sure

I sat outside in the shade to read near the honeysuckle tree. It was wonderful; as the breeze dropped, the smell of warm honeysuckle scent drifted to me, intoxicating and full of spring. I was directly in the flight path for bumblebees nearly the size of a half dollar. Laden with nectar they flew over my head on their way to wherever their nest is (to the northwest). One landed on me and I was so startled my book went flying! 

I could not resist photos, got a few as you can see, but wished I had a real macro lens for sure. The hill is alive with creatures enjoying the fruits of the season. Behind me the Lilac in it's last stages of bloom was alive with small butterflies, and to my amazement, moths were in a psychotic frenzy hardly stopping to take nectar or whatever attracted them. 

With the buzzing of the bees, the warm (85') air, the aroma, and the twittering of finches, my eyes started to close and I had trouble reading my book. So I moved out into the sun, but it was no solution to the problem.  I almost fell out of the chair as I nodded off briefly! I finally came inside to write and hopefully stay awake.
Who knows about the book..........

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Blossoms Forth

daily haiku

snowflakes in april
petals from the chokecherry 
drift us into spring

I have not posted for a while as I was having difficulties with the new blogger format; I finally accessed through Mozilla Firefox and that seems to work. Blogger wants you to subscribe to Goggle Chrome and I hate the Internet telling me what to do. Too much like 1984 and Big brother!

Spring is here. Last week in the 90' weather, the chokecherries blossomed filling the garden with their heavenly scent. As always, I smelled it before I realized where it was emanating from! We are still having frost off and on and I am holding my breath; the lovely white lilac outside the bedroom window unfurled buds in the hot weather and I don't want them to be frosted. There is nothing like going to bed with the window open and the scent of lilacs filling the room.

We are at the stage of spring conflict - the house has an accumulation of dust and the grass is growing fast and furious outside - both need attention and it is hard to choose which to do first! Hopefully the weather will help me to decide - at least it doesn't make me download a special program!