Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vision And Poetry

Sometimes the sky is a drama queen. Tonight she looked like something out of an art deco painting. One simply cannot capture it in a photo - for instance in this one the sky was far more turquoise. Besides which there is an interesting process in the mind. It sees the landscape and combines it with memory to enhance what we see; a part of the visual process, otherwise why would I have thought of the painting? Is this how we write poetry, consciously or subconsciously? Visual pictures or word pictures combine with our life images to produce something new?
Daily Haiku
day into evening
transitions before our eyes
heaven in a glance

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Visual Poetry on a Windy Day

Today was a gusty windy day here - it felt wintry. The shadowed sun kept playing hide and seek with grey clouds and sparse rain was hurled by the wind, each drop stinging my skin. I felt like playing with it, so I did. I remembered my little Flip camcorder sitting idly on the desk here by the window, and decide to make wind images. I hope you enjoy the little video.

Daily Haiku

choke cherry leaves rattle
red flags in the autumn breeze
point the way to winter

Saturday, October 23, 2010

As Winter Approaches

Daily Haiku

to embrace winter
put the house in order
the mental house too

We are expecting the first storms of the season in the coming week. I have grown to love these sunny days so much - I spend as much time as possible outdoors. A solitary winter has no appeal for me, but as with everything I have done so far, I will take it one day at a time and not project.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Robin Politics

Daily Haiku
on a cloudy day
the smell of democracy
juniper berries
The photo above is Robin poop. The last few years we have been attacked by flocks of American Robins - about fifteen of them in a flock. They come to feed on the cedar berries around the house, and this year there are plenty; perch on the trees and defecate all over the patio and rock path into the house.

Robin poop gets into the cleats of shoes and boots and tracks indoors. Messy. So once a day I sweep robin poop from the walkway, the only joy from doing this comes from the wonderful juniper smell when they are moved around - very fresh and very aromatic.

It struck me today that the USA is kinda like that. We descend on a country, with good reason or without, partake of it's substances and then poop all over everything that's left and track it around in our footprints. This is called giving them democracy. I suppose it must smell fresh and aromatic to the inhabitants but at what cost?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


In late August I cleaned all the patios. Even though it was almost time for frost, I decided to plant some petunias in containers to provide a spot of color outside. Despite first frost on 9/7 they have survived, grown, and are providing me with a little happiness whenever I see them. The purple ones have little "eyes" in the middle and it is almost like they smile back to me.

Sometimes despite the odds against us we have to take risks small or large; do the thing that doesn't seem sensible to others, just be our own self and do what makes us happy.

daily haiku
beauty of purple
greets my eyes anew each day
heart sings a new song

Friday, October 1, 2010

colors of autumn
creeping into the landscape
rouge on the cheeks of fall

I talk to chickens
they cluck and look through the wire
my language is strange