Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Daily Walk

My Daily Walk

Going north on De Smet Ave
Meadowlark Elementary School

Bugs almost ready to hatch - I have been watching them

In this weather?

I cut across the school parking lot

......and across the playground
.......down an alley built especially for the schoolchildren

I am happy about the fence
There are large dogs living on either side 
and they bark and growl at me.

Now along Richards Drive - going west. 
The airport is about a mile away and I hear planes
warming up most days.

.....up a little rise 

.....and around the corner onto Birch Street
......the house on the left is owned by drag racers 

......intersection of Birch and Absaraka Sts

..............Abasaraka looking east

.........couldn't resist this lovely full dandelion

......or the bindweed

....and the Wild Asters

.....past the Inter-Mountain Labs building
They do water testing.....

.......the south side of the Condos - my bedroom is the tall part
.....the garages for each unit

.......we have a small picnic area available

......now going south along De Smet

....to Navajo Street

....east on Navajo...

.....to Martin Avenue

......north along Martin Ave....

.....interesting mailbox shaped like a shotgun shell....

......the house on the corner has avid gardeners.....

......they are growing a host of hot peppers......

.......corner of Martin and Absaraka.......
......almost home in time for breakfast.........

........De Smet looking west..........

..........Indian Hills Condominiums.........

1 1/2 miles........now for some breakfast!