It came marching up the river, and down Hanging Woman Creek simultaneously, and seemed to collide over our house. I could tell by the way it moved so fast that there were high winds with it. The rain started, ordinary at first and then torrential with a high wind. Then with pops and bangs the hail started; the noise mounted until it was almost deafening. In amongst this was lightning and thunder, but the thunder was almost drowned out by the noise of the ice golf balls being thrown at the house and windows. I prayed very hard that the huge picture window on the porch would be spared - it was specially shipped to us from Denver in 1967.
I went into the kitchen and discovered rain being blown in through a broken window and made a makeshift stop with a copy of the New York Times. There were shards of glass, some the size of a large pinhead all over the floor and dining room table. The glass is the old kind (at least 1932) that you can see wavy lines in. It is a shame to lose any of it. Once the storm calmed I made a makeshift block with some cardboard. The storm window that we leave on the middle
window was smashed and probably did a good job in protecting the actual house window.
I slept well last night being grateful that more damage did not occur.
Daily Haiku
hailstones hurled by wind
screamed like banshees at windows
my heart was stronger
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