We have bright yellow day lilies in a small patch outside our privacy wall, in the alley. They make me smile every time I go out though the gate. Our neighbor, across the alley to the south, has two beautiful lilies, a day lily and a tiger lily growing in the alley in a patch of soil no more than four inches wide. They seem delicate but are obviously very strong, much like my friend Christine. :-)
Chris was born in England and graduated HS in 1958. She was employed by the UK Medical Research Council Radiobiological Unit at AERE Harwell in their histology lab and genetics division before leaving for the USA in 1964. In the USA she was employed most of her life by the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, first as a Head Start teacher and then as a Chemical Dependency Counselor, Trainer, DUI Instructor and Grant Writer. She retired in 2003.
We have bright yellow day lilies in a small patch outside our privacy wall, in the alley. They make me smile every time I go out though the gate. Our neighbor, across the alley to the south, has two beautiful lilies, a day lily and a tiger lily growing in the alley in a patch of soil no more than four inches wide. They seem delicate but are obviously very strong, much like my friend Christine. :-)