rock scissors paper
an age-old game people play
I like the rock best
I have been thinking about my friendships and the people I love in this life and what I admire and respect the most, in them all, is WYSIWYG. A computer term to be sure, but one that I like to apply to people. Wysiwyg-s are genuine, they pull no punches, they can tell you what they think honestly but with kindness. They are authentic, sincere and open. Their friendship is to be valued among gems; as my late husband would say, "they are a diamond in a bed of coal."
If you are reading this you are a wysiwyg - I would not have given you access to my blog otherwise. I value the place you all have in my life and want you to know that. In the words of the song, "Stay as sweet as you are, don't let a thing ever change you."
If you are reading this you are a wysiwyg - I would not have given you access to my blog otherwise. I value the place you all have in my life and want you to know that. In the words of the song, "Stay as sweet as you are, don't let a thing ever change you."
(WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get)
And, of course, Chris, you must include yourself in the wysiwygs. I have treasured your friendship these few years and look forward to your love and creative support for many years to come--now that my heart has been repaired and should be good for another 75 years. :-)))