Today was a gusty windy day here - it felt wintry. The shadowed sun kept playing hide and seek with grey clouds and sparse rain was hurled by the wind, each drop stinging my skin. I felt like playing with it, so I did. I remembered my little Flip camcorder sitting idly on the desk here by the window, and decide to make wind images. I hope you enjoy the little video.
Daily Haiku
choke cherry leaves rattle
red flags in the autumn breeze
point the way to winter
Chris, wonderful wind images, both visual and sound. And nicely tied into your haiku. One of the reasons I love walking out on the prairie is the soft sounds of the wind in the grasses, and in the riparian areas the sound of the cottonwood leaves rattling. I'm looking forward to more little Flip films about your Montana weather. Perhaps some bone-chilling images of winter?