I have come to the conclusion that Phoebes have very small brains, and those that they do have are excreted all down the window frames! As you can see from the photos above, she chooses to build her nest in the rain-gutter every year; it is a wonder that the nest isn't washed away and the babies drowned - amazing that they survive.
We are experiencing a lot of June storm activity with rain almost every day. Billings had a tornado last night that severely damaged the MetraPark.
About 12 years ago we created a rock garden on the north side of the house, and planted various perennials. Then along came five severely hot summers along with drought, and it became overgrown with grass. The plants died out. This morning I noticed a lone Iris that survived and will soon bloom, so maybe I must think like a Phoebe and realize - no effort is ever wasted.
Daily Haiku
phoebe builds her nest
wild flax hears her plaintive cry
as iris stutters
You iris reminds me of the prairie flowers that don't come up year after year because of drought. And then an early spring rain turns the prairie into a garden.
ReplyDeleteAnd your phoebe is like those mid-westerners who continue to live in the Missouri or Mississippi flood plains and get flooded. They built there because the soil is so good, but the soil is so good because it floods now and again.
Love the daily haiku in your posts. I'll have to try writing a daily haiku.