Friday, May 2, 2014

Spring Comes Softly

Grape Hyacinths - sturdy survivors

Wild Larkspur

Wild Yellow Violets

The only tulips to survive the rabbits

Dwarf Iris - another tough survivor

The lowly Dandelion

The first Star of Bethlehem (Sand Lily) blooms forth in the rain

blue sky
river a stream of azure
in the sea of green

spring joyfulness
the first stars of bethlehem
awakened by rain


I see it is 2 months since I last wrote in my blog. I am still in the house and now the spring weather is here and more people are looking at both properties.

In many ways I enjoyed the winter, the cold weather meant that I could not do much except relax and enjoy my afternoons indoors. So I walked on my treadmill and did chores in the morning, read and wrote in the afternoons.  Now the temperatures have improved, 50-70' most days and it feels good.  The grass is growing so quickly that I may have to mow and weed-whack next week.

I have not seen Fred and Fredericka for some time, they abandoned the shower and have found a house elsewhere out of my sight. The Box Elder bugs have migrated - probably outdoors, thank goodness. The rabbits have produced offspring that live under the garage and the deck. They ate all my tulips as they were coming up and were the only green leaves above the snow!

The rabbits aren't the only ones producing offspring.  My grand-daughter and her husband made me a great- grandmother (step) for the first time.  Little Willem Walter was born on April 25th, 2014.  A preemie at just over 3 pounds, he'll be in the neonatal unit for up to 8 weeks, but he is a sturdy little man and doing well.
daily haiku

new dawn
new day
beautiful new baby

Willem at birth

So spring is bustin' out all over and I am still on the hill enjoying it!

daily haiku

clear sunny morning
meadowlark song fills the air
