daily poem
wind thunder lightning
hail and snow all in an hour
exciting weather
abraham would have decreed
god is angry with the world
he must be watching congress
A large storm system is moving through. It started last night and was quite exciting. First there were huge wind gusts (about 50 mph) that battered the house and made the metal surround on the chimney vibrate. Then large dark clouds came racing through bringing rain that changed to snow pellets/hail, along with lightning and thunder claps; finally horizontal snow! It lasted about two hours and then everything stopped except for the wind which rammed the house most of the night at intervals. This morning brought light snow and a lot more wind. The sun is trying to break through but is acting feeble, at best.
The last few days I have been entertained by an early chipmunk who is feeding on the seed inside an old thistle sock. He climbs the cedar tree then leaps about 18-20 inches onto the sock. I would give him an Olympic medal for his efforts. The Juncos love him. He has made larger holes in the sock and after he takes his new stash to the larder under the rocks, they move in and feed through the new holes. Symbiosis at its best!
I have been catching up on a few chores, but just couldn't face the vacuum today so am blogging, and reading instead. As my first husband, Bob, used to say "It'll still be there tomorrow."