to hoe or not to hoe
that is the question
whether to root out the weeds
and risk damage to the plant
or let weeds steal precious water
aye - there's the rub
Well, spring is here in all it's usual drought-ridden state. The cries of "We need the moisture" fill the air at each gathering and in conversations from pick-up to pick-up in the middle of the road. If it's a typical year it will get so hot that we have an almighty thunderstorm and then turn showery for a while. After awakening to 40' mornings for a few weeks we now have 10' of frost most days which is a good thing as all the trees are in bud and leafing out. Hopefully the frost has preserved the spring blossoms and not killed them.
The warmer weather leaves me with indecision about whether to do spring chores or leave them until the usual time. So far I have not succumbed which is just another word for procrastination. This morning I decided to check the battery on the old Toyota Pick-up and it was a little low, so that is now being charged ready for spring chores.
My knee is being uncooperative with the spring weather, so I'll charge it up too by getting a cortisone shot next Friday. I was feeling sorry for myself and generally rebellious about missing my daily walk until I remembered - I could use the time to write! So I took some photos and am "showing up at the page" as they say. Now - about the lawn tractor - to call or not to call the Sears mechanic, aye there's the ($400.00) rub!