light frost does not kill
petunias bravely bloom on
floral veterans
The petunias still color my world outdoors, such a treat, but they are now getting pale and leggy; not as bright as in the middle of the summer months. I still walk each day but I am feeling a bit pale and leggy myself, since using the weedeater this summer triggered arthritis that I knew was there but have not felt until now. Trudging along the gravel surface I am finding that I think of Peter a lot and yearn for the days when we used 2-way radios. A gift from son Sam. He thought it was a good idea to have a way to communicate when I was out walking.
I think it was Sam that gave us our "handles." Peter, at the house on the hill, was TOWER, and I was WANDERER. Peter often washed the dishes while I was walking and inevitably I called just at the time he had his hands in the sink full of water and there was a long pause before he answered sounding a bit testy! But it was fun. I stopped at the Post Office to mail letters first and often picked up the local news and radio'd him a few tidbits. If I received a phone call he would set up a 3-way conversation.
This morning I was thinking that it is unfair that we cannot communicate with our loved-ones after they die. How come God doesn't give us a wavelength on the 2-way radio so we can keep in touch?
"Wanderer to Tower - how is it up there?"
Tower to Wanderer, "Oh, a bit cloudy this morning. The moisture's been affecting my wing feathers."
That sort of thing - very comforting. But until I find that wavelength, I'll have to enjoy talking to all my family and friends, not a bad deal if you ask me!
Cheers mates!