Monday, July 18, 2011

Planes ,Trains and Automobiles - otherwise known as Birds, Bats and Pack Rats


swifts building their nest
above the satellite dish
they’re on my wavelength

There is much bird activity this year with all the rain and plenty of vegetation around the house. The bluebirds hatched their brood and were cleaning out the nest under the eaves for another, when they were rudely interrupted. A pair of aggressive little wrens moved into their nest and drove them away. I couldn't believe my eyes, but went to the Internet and sure enough wrens are known to be aggressive especially with cavity-nesting birds, such as bluebirds. They will even go in and smash their eggs. I nicknamed them "the avian terrorists"! I hope that my bluebirds will return next spring; meanwhile I am wondering how to trap and move wrens? An interesting new project!

Yesterday morning there was a rumpus outside. I could hear a Red-Shafted Flicker squawking and another Flicker making a different song beneath his. I came to the conclusion that they were probably mating and given plenty of Flicker-sightings the past couple of days I would say they have a nest nearby.

The latest addition to the populating masses is a pair of Swifts, (I have yet to correctly ID them) that have decided to nest in a hollow ridge-log above the satellite dish. I have been meaning to fill that hollow for some time, but have had more exciting chores to take care of and never seem to get around to it. Now I will have to wait until fall. In the meantime I am waging war on other critters such as bats and pack rats.

The bats in the open ended garage, leave their nasty soiling all over the hood of my car so I tried hanging suet feeders containing cotton soaked with peppermint oil, in the rafters. But they seemed to fall blissfully asleep with that, so the next trick will be to try Balsam Fir Oil - that at least should keep the pack rats away as they do not like the smell. I just renewed the packages of Fresh Cab beneath the hood of my car. In the past pack rats wreaked havoc upon wires and hoses under the hood and left me a few nice piles of fireweed twigs. I think I prefer nesting birds!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Perfect Summer day

summer- senyru

meadow sage spires drink from azure sky
a stella d'oro lily from sun
cat and I together

Yesterday was one of those perfect summer days that you just want to drink in with every breath and every pore of your skin.

The night before a front came through with no storm, just wind that blew hot air out and brought cool air in. The morning temperature at 51' was enervating and helped dissipate the latent heat in the walls and roof of the house after several days close to 100°.

The mosquitoes may be dying out and I was able to sit oudoors and read at last. Surrounded by peace, wren song and blooming flowers, I realized I am now on a similar path to last year's blogs so I must be careful not to repeat myself. The lollipop lilies are in bloom (July 4th 2010) and the yarrows just starting (July 6th 2010) and it would be so easy to sing their praises all over again. I treasure anything that grows in my garden in such an hot arid clime.

The only thing that changes is me. I am glad for it but at the same time yearn to turn the clock back to other summers when I was able to share all of this with Peter. But as they say in England, "No-go mate". At least I can share it with friends in my blog - thank you to all those who read it. May this lovely summer peace be yours also.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Storm Healing

daily haiku

a year of anguish
healing takes place in my heart
with mending the roof

A year ago today Peter died in the early morning hours alone. I have berated myself so much that I was not with him; have reached some healing with it, but it is a regret I'll always carry. I am comforted that my last words to him were "I love you".

We cannot know when we will lose someone, it is totally beyond our control and I certainly have to accept that. Gradually I am emerging as a new person, on my own and no longer a part of a life partnership. New partners have emerged over the past year in the form of my lovely family members, special friends and so many wonderful people and friends from my writer's groups: WyoPoets and Wyoming Writers Inc and the Sheridan Senior Center Writer's Group. A few members of them have access to my blog here. I want you all to know how much your cards, letters, e-mails and phone calls have meant to me over this year; you have collectively buoyed my spirits through the dark days and I am so very grateful, I love all of you in a very special way.

On July 21st last year Birney witnessed the most appalling storm any of us have ever seen - close to a tornado, probably a micro burst. It did a lot of damage to the house and garage (see blog for July 21, 2010) I am thankful to my friends Nancy, Midge & Art who advised I should get an adjuster in to look at the damage. I would not have thought of this myself. Through their caring I received compensation from insurance and this last week the roof is being replaced at last; almost a year later.

The new roof is in many ways a metaphor for the person I have become. I was shattered when I lost Peter, but have healed this past year as I have solved the myriad of problems that have cropped up each month. In effect parts of me have been torn off and re-shingled with stronger materials. The new shingles have a 50 year warranty - I don't think I have the same! But my family and friendships help me feel like I do.