I suppose we can say when we rake leaves that we are removing the excess so that new sprouts can grow next year without being smothered by the old foliage. So it is in life. We often have to let go of the old connections to let the new ones grow. Letting go does not mean denying the past but embracing it and beginning to grow towards the future.
Letting go is one of the most fearful things we do in life, at least it is for me. I don't want my life to change; I want to hold it, love it, wrap it in my arms and not let go. But change it will and changed it has. I don't hold the reigns of control, I've known this for years but every day now I am faced with the decision to move in a new direction. Some days it is a lot easier than others, sometimes I go backwards more than forwards, but I have no control over the new sprouting process.
Daily Haiku
to find tomorrow
we have to let today die
moon sets sun rises